I’m often asked ” How do you keep your skin looking younger?” (I won’t reveal my age but let’s say that I’m older than you may think :))
I thank everyone who thinks that way! There are days when I see age catching up with me and it scares me! But such is life… So the best way to conquer fear and reality is to fight it and embrace it all at the same time. Some things can be remedied while others have to be accepted. The good thing about age is that it is the most democratic factor of our life! It literally affects everyone, no matter the walk of life. Ok, the ones with money can delay the process, but not entirely (or gracefully)!
I am absolutely for plastic surgery as long as it is done with moderation and looks natural.
To get back to the topic, how do I keep my skin from aging?
I personally think that 50% of it is genetic, 35% lifestyle and 15% products. I was blessed to be born in a family where our women never seem to age. My grand-mother who is now 94 years old, has a skin of a baby. Therefore I cannot take credit for what I was blessed with!
But I think I can take credit for the rest!
I lead a very healthy lifestyle. I have never smoked and only drink socially.
My diet resembles most the Mediterranean diet with loads of fresh vegetables and fruits, olive oil, fish and white meats with an occasional juicy steak! I eat alot of Feta cheese! I stay away from white flour, and sugar as much as possible and substitute it with Quinoa based products. I also buy organic when possible.

I must admit that I am not the most athletic person! Rather than spend hours at the gym, I walk everywhere. I purposely go to the farthest supermarket to oblige me to walk more.
Beauty regimen
I’ve never been one to spend all my money on expensive products. I didn’t even start cleansing my skin or moisturizing until my late 20’s! Ironically, I have worked in the beauty industry since I began my professional career!
But of course, I realized that I needed to care for my skin if I didn’t want to prematurely age.
I am a big proponent of using natural products as much as possible. First, because their ingredients generally come straight from the earth. And second, they tend to be cheaper.
For those of you who are interested, this is my daily routine.
1- Cleansing (morning and night).
Cleansing is arguably the most important part of your basic skincare routine. Proper cleansing gets rid of old surface skin cells, dirt and dust, make-up and bacteria, and keeps skin pores free of clogs and able to breathe freely.
It’s a 2-step process:
1- I remove my make-up with Yves Rocher’s Velvety Cleansing Cream (CHF9.95) using a cotton pad. Then rinse it off with warm tepid water. (never too hot or too cold)

2- Sometimes I add an extra step using Organic unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar with a soft cotton pad. (Be mindful not to scrub too much or too hard. Gentle massaging movement will suffice). Then of course rinse it off with warm tepid water.
You can also visit my previous post to learn about the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar.

2- Moisturizing
In the summer, as it gets too hot and humid, I use a lighter cream with sunscreen in it. Right now I like Plumping Care with SPF20 by Yves Rocher (CHF28).

At night, I don’t mind applying something a bit heavier, oilier. I have been using organic coconut oil (CHF9.00) for years and I absolutely love it. It gets absorbed by the skin in no time and leaves no oily residues.
P.S: you can also use it as a eye makeup remover!

NEVER, NEVER leave the house without applying sunscreen!!
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It is not necessary that all the beauty secrets will work on everyone and bring exceptional results. One can learn with the practice by using the ingredients to meet the specific requirement.