Ruedi Kubli’s photographic career began in Architecture. A few years into it he decided to move to the fashion world which then transitioned into capturing the Swiss Elite. He worked with the biggest names in Switzerland. And his talent allied with his natural charisma and good looks certainly didn’t hurt!
Then came digital painting! In 1993 Ruedi was one of the first ones (if not THE first) to dabble in digital painting. At that time, he mainly focused on portraits and realistic photography. His unusual use of color and style ignited strong emotions with people. So he kept going and building a strong following.
Over time his emphasis changed to digital photography with an edge, then to more explicits shoots, aiming at our inner “kinkiness”! The juxtaposition of digital painting with evocative poses in latex around controversial themes create a world of fantasy in which one can get lost.
The images showcased here are from his latest coffee table book “The mean dragon in the bedroom”. This style may not appeal to everyone but it definitely raises eyebrows and creates reactions!
You can also be the center piece of your own story at the Eccentric Fashion weekend from October 15 – 17.
Or if you don’t want to wait that long, Restaurant und Zunftstube Weisser Wind is hosting Ruebi’s book reading with Q&A on June 24 at 8PM. For more details and to RSVP, please send an email to

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