Monday Hair Tips by Harper Salon are back!
They’re easy and fun. Anyone can do them, with little to no tools, no matter where you are.
Tip 1
Going grey?..
Whatever you do, don’t pluck!
We know it’s tempting, especially if there’s only one or two BUT it can damage the hair follicle and the strand may never grow back. Our hair naturally thins when we get older and you might want to hold on to it, even if it’s grey. Grey hair is perfectly healthy hair, it just doesn’t have any pigment left.

Did you know?
Hair is strong!
A full head of hair is strong enough to support up to 10-12 tones. That’s the equivalent of two elephants!

Did you know?
Hair is elastic when wet!
Wet hair becomes very elastic and can stretch up to 30% without being damaged.

Til next week for our next Monday tips from Harper! Questions and comments are welcomed!
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