For years I hid behind all kinds of pretexts and excuses not to show up, not to lean in because I was too afraid of other people’s opinion of me and truly believed I had nothing interesting to add and no one would be interested in hearing me. I compared myself to people I admired, anyone making a good living doing what they loved and were great at, especially if they were younger or my age.
In my mind not only were these people graced with smarts and wit but they also had everything I didn’t – money, laser focus, natural charisma, amazing connections and a myriad of other qualities I can’t even remember because they were so many.
Then when I started Discover Out Loud, and although by then I had become more assertive and outgoing, I was still hiding behind “legitimate reasons” for not being fully on. A good example is interviewing people on camera. Since I was the only one doing everything, how could I possibly be on camera at the same time as I was asking questions, producing, filming, etc… All great reasons right? But come on, there’s such a thing as asking friends for favors!
Can you relate to this?
Thankfully I had a wake up call in the name of husband and congruity. When I began my coaching journey, it became increasingly evident that there was no way I could hide behind my fears anymore. How could I possibly tell my clients to step up their game when I comfortably sat back in my comfort zone?
I started taking massive and consistent action, no matter how ready or versed I was. I started “doing before thinking”. Let me tell you, a total game changer, on all fronts! Today, it’s all about Keeping it real. No more holding back.
Does it mean that the impostor syndrome and the limiting beliefs have been totally eradicated? Absolutely not. But it means that I’m much more aware of my worth as a human being. What also helps me push forward is the bigger vision I have in mind.
I want to have open discussions where my guests feel comfortable being themselves and self-censor as little as possible. I’m not naive and understand that these days and age, making oneself fully vulnerable and speaking one’s truth, especially when opposite from popular belief is not easy and most people aren’t ready to take that leap. I just hope that we can at least initiate something, maybe even a movement (hey, doesn’t hurt to think big!).
And what better way to challenge myself, have real talks and impact others than by interviewing the influencers, taste makers and opinion leaders on video? That’s why I decided to start “We Keep it Real” with Ariane series. No matter how it goes, I know from every fiber of my being that it’s the right thing for me and it’s the only way to actualize my deepest and truest potential. It’s filled with imperfections but I’ve come to accept them and view them as “Perfectly Imperfect”, just like You and Me.
Now let’s get into our first episode with my special guest Mirjam Jaeger, Olympian skier, X-Game Champion, Entrepreneur, Presenter.
We all have what it takes to be the best version of ourself.
Were you ever asked “not to be yourself” in order to appeal to the Egos around and not risk losing job opportunities? Do you sometimes feel like you have to bite your tongue because you don’t want to come across as arrogant, demanding or aggressive?
I raise my hand to that! Looking back, I can see how often I put myself down because I wasn’t aware of my personal power.
Today I’m talking with Mirjam Jaeger who shares her personal journey. She’s learned that keeping the conversation reel can come at a price because not everyone wants to hear it as it is. In the end, honesty, integrity and heart will prevail. Some doors may close along the way but bigger ones will open when the time is right. It’s all about perseverance, endurance and stamina – just like training for the Olympics.
Do you ever struggle between keeping it real and conforming?
What’s one insight or key takeaway you got from this episode? Leave a comment below and let us know.
Share as much detail as you can. Your story may be just what someone else needs to have a major breakthrough.
Thank you so much for watching and sharing. It matters to us and it makes more of a difference than you know.
Before we bid goodbye, I’d like to give a special thanks to our friends at Design Roomers without whom we wouldn’t have had such a beautiful backdrop (although next time I’ll dress differently not to blend in with the wall. LOL) and Cesar Martins from Chaya Photo for his help with the camera and audio. It’s all about team work. Not having a budget is not a good excuse not to do things that matter!
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Amazing video and content. It is so cool to see an incredible woman speak this way! And then she invites Mirjam to this delicious chat about life and what is real. So glad to follow your growth and work Ariane!
Thank you so much my dear Cesar! Means so much