I first met Lida unexpectedly, through a friend who was also meeting her for the first time. I immediately was charmed by her sweet and pretty demeanor. She seemed delicate, almost fragile, while exuding a certain power and vitality. We were all dressed quite casually that day, but Lida had an extra touch to her outfit which in my mind set her apart. Her style was classy, modern yet retro (if that makes sense!). Needless to say, I wasn’t surprised to learn that she is a Designer!
The fact that she is Persian (Iranian) intrigued me even more since I share the same background. It’s always heartwarming to meet people with the same culture, in a foreign country. So naturally, I wanted to know more about her story and her brand Lida Noba.
When did you move to Zurich and why?
I moved here two years ago with my husband. We met in Iran, and got engaged shortly after. It’s crazy how everything moved so fast. I almost had lost faith in finding my dream man and there he was in my reality! And if being with him meant to move away from home, then so be it!
How was it to move to Zurich?
It was extremely difficult and heart wrenching. The Swiss culture is so different from mine and moving to a new place with a new language and sets of rules was painful to say the least. I still imagine and dream about my friends randomly dropping by, as they did back in Iran
But with time, I have learned to accept the differences and embrace them as opportunities. In every challenge lies an opportunity for growth. I was, and still am, determined to call Zurich home and treat it as such. And I never cease to count my blessings!
Have you always been a Designer?
Always! I just am fascinated with making clothes, whether for myself, my friends or the world. How amazing is it to be able to envision a style, a story, then bring it to life? I always knew I wanted to become a Designer but it became a definite reality when I was 15. One day at school, my teacher, Mrs. Ghadiri said in front of the entire class that I would be a force to be reckoned with and my name would become a household name, like Chanel! That sentence has kept me inspired and motivated to this day – mainly to prove that she was right but also not to ever disappoint her. It shows how powerful words can be.
You know living in Iran, especially after the sanctions, was not easy at all. There were so many restrictions and limitations and money was difficult to come by at times. So in order to assert myself and have fun without getting in trouble, I had to be very creative and resourceful. I remember giving my manteau, THE fashion staple in Iran, five different looks and no one ever figured it out No matter where I went, I tried to make a fashion statement to brand myself. Sometimes, the timing or event was probably a tad inappropriate but I didn’t care! Fashion runs through my blood!
So tell me a little about this Spring/ Summer 2015 collection
This collection is quite interesting as its different renditions depict my different states of mind since moving to Zurich.
The first part of this collection was created at a time when I felt alone and depressed. It totally reflected my inner sorrow and sadness. I was also trying really hard to belong and tried to comply to the Swiss style. Unfortunately it didn’t work out because I wasn’t being authentic and true to my own style.
I am naturally a dreamer and a believer. Every day begins and sometimes ends with Cinderella! Ever since I can remember when I want something really bad, I just concentrate on and fake it happening so much that it (or part of it) eventually ends up happening And every little stride and victory gives me more reason to keep dreaming.
“A dream is a wish your heart makes, when you’re fast asleep.
In dreams you lose your heartaches, whatever you wish for, you keep.
Have faith in your dreams and someday, your rainbow will come smiling thru
No matter how your heart is grieving,
If you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true.” (Cinderella)
And that is what you see in this last version of my collection. Lida Noba is back! Romantic, warm with a certain ethnic touch. Every single piece from this collection was done by hand by me. And every single piece is unique but similar in its ethnic and romantic touch.

I can’t get over how sweet you are! Don’t ever lose this inner child in you! What would your final words be before we introduce some of your pieces that I captured at your last shoot with Lino Sprizzi.
Never Ever stop dreaming! Please Parents and Teachers, don’t ever give up on your kids and always have their back. You cannot imagine how far a simple confirmation will go.
I love Love. I love Hope. I love to Dream.
I believe in Miracles!
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